Monday, July 11, 2016

The River Run


Sunrise on the Gladden


This was the day that the Lord had made....and Nils played the organ.
Heute hat nicht nur Nils die Orgel gespielt ........


During Worship, we celebrated Pastor Lisa's (in Red) Birthday. Here she is with her best friend Liz who flew in from Colorado. Our German friends sang during worship in honor of Pastor Lisa.
..... Sondern auch Pastorin Lisa voträglich ihren Geburtstag gefeiert. Dieser findet dann am kommenden Mittwoch statt. Happy Birthday ! 

Pastor Lisa and her children James, Grace and Tommy


The Food Truck "Pastabilities" came for lunch.
Megan, Carolin, Sarah, Gracie

After Worship we heard the Dublin Silver Band on the patio....guests and dining.
Nach dem Gottesdienst und dem Konzert der Dublin Silver Band ging es zur Kajak bzw. Kanu Tour auf dem Scioto River, dieser fließt mitten durch Dublin. 


Trekking to the river .....Fredeieke, Grace, Lena, Jana

Trevor, James


In Biblical Fashion.....Kerstin, Andreas and Bob....pick up their kayaks and walk.


                      Oarsman Chad


Lo, Fred & Lena canoeing

Sarah, Jana & Elli on the Scioto River in Dublin


Megan Kayaks

Michael kayaks

Andreas Multi tasks

Nils and Lisa in the only tandem kayak

Bob and Carolin
Einige, unter anderem Bob und Carolin hatten eine Menge Spaß, sind gut gelaunt und zumindest halbwegs trocken wieder an Land gegangen.

Only one canoe managed to flip....thanks to our neighbor for the tow.
Andere nicht ganz so trocken. Nach Kanu Rettungsaktion mit Hilfe des freundlichen Nachbarn waren einige zwar klatschnass aber immerhin hatten alle Spaß an der Aktion. Beim Cook out gab es dann zum Glück genug Zeit um wieder zu trocknen. 


Maike listens while Lo sings and plays.

Hosts Tim & Gwen Haid...Andrew & Julia. (And neighbor)

Emma, Carolin & Christie


Michael, James and Trevor


We played Corn Hole....but made up our own rules....changed them as the game went along and found that we all won.
Nils, Maike, Amber & Simon

Jana & Chad


Grill Master Tim & Gwen Haid.....our hosts....thank you SO much!
Danke an unsere grandiosen Gastgeber Gwen & Tim Haid ! 


More Corn Hole Contestants....Amber, Sarah, Jana


Everyone wins and so everyone gets in the final Selfie
Bob, Amber, Sarah, Nils, Maike, Lisa, Jana, Simon

Our thank to Dublin Community Church's WORD group for the food...and especially to Barb & Tom Anderson for making all arrangements and joining us for the afternoon.

Peace,  Bob


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