On a road early on Tuesday Morning, I came across this church as I drove to pick up Lo and Lena.
Megan, Carolin, Emme & Elli
A day at the Columbus Zoo was the plan. The weather was hot and muggy (a new word for our German friends.) And we told them that hot and muggy was typical of an Ohio July day.
Lisa rides......
Sarah & Maike on their camel.
The idea was to see how many inanimate metal sculptures we could find at the zoo, that were not scorching hot and then pose the leadership team.
Sharon, Kerstin, Bob, Amy, Andreas
Even the giraffes were seeking shade.
The last person who I expected to see quoted at the zoo...was Martin Luther. Yet...he WAS quoted....for some reason near the gorilla enclosures....I still like the sentiment though.
The evening party was impromptu at the Pace Home...with Emma, Kerstin & Lo
The Highlight of the evening was Emma and Lo demonstrating to our German friends, the fine art of making S'mores. Once you learn to appreciate an All-American S'more...you are free to move about the country.
Frederieke & Christie
Amy & Sharon....ably photo-bombed by Eli
Lisa, Lo, Jana, Amber
Cindy & Ken Bitter organize ALL the rides and drivers....SO appreciated!
The hammock in the backyard proved to be both restful and stressful....as many tumbled out of it. Frederieke & Lena
Jana, Simon, Nils
We found the Dublin Rooster...though I have no idea why it is in town....Kerstin & Andreas
Gracie manages to hold on to her hammock.
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